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California has the best state flag – now MTB friendly – FREE STICKER!

Oct 5, 2018 | MTB, Stories, Vlog

The golden state…I Love my state of California and all that it has to offer. I’m originally from the midwest but was drawn to the left coast state like so many before me. California has been my home for nearly all of my adult life, and I do love exploring all its amazing coastlines, mountains, and deserts. And!! I’m very fond of our bear flag. The general flag design has been around since 1846, but didn’t become the official state flag until 1911.

Anyway, I decided to do my own take on the flag. What do you think?Do you want one?

**** Want a bear bike sticker? ****

1. Subscribe –

2. message me on twitter or Instagram telling me which sticker you want (with mountains or without) and how to get it to you. Extra credit: leave a comment below telling everyone what you love about California.

Supplies are limited – Act fast. 😀

Like what we’re doing? Bookmark and Use the Amazon Link below and Amazon will kick us back a little if you make a purchase. Thank you!!

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